Before the renovation started, J and I went to Hafary and Soon Bee Huat to take a look at the tiles. Being a first-time home owner, we were like very confused and lost over tile selection. After looking at tiles for 45 mins, I thought all tiles look alike haha..
Had to consider so many factors before selecting the tiles:
+ Does the colour & design of the wall and floor tiles match?
+ Will it be too slippery when the floor is wet?
+ Is it easy to clean?
+ Does dirt trap easily in the grooves?
+ ETC..
Went to and fro Hafary and Soon Bee Huat a couple of times before finalizing the tiles!
We decided that the common bathroom will have a grey theme while the master bathroom will be of earthy colour (similar to hotel)? Finally, we ordered the kitchen's white subway tiles, yard floor tiles and common bathroom floor & wall tiles from Hafary and the master bedroom floor & wall tiles from Soon Bee Huat. The prices are pretty similar but the selections are slightly different.

Soon Bee Huat

With the tiles settled, next headache, lights and sanitary fittings..
PetiteFreckles ♥
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